
I recall some words that came to me from the mouth of a man at Notting Hill Carnival, thick and woozy with drugs and alcohol. Though he was wretched and transformed, he became in that moment a miraculous conduit for some God of love to tell to truth to my unhearing ears and unseeing eyes.

I asked the man, the pilled-up gay guy, who suddenly transformed himself into a saint and a savant:

Q: How did you know that you met the man you loved beyond all others?

And he replied:

A: I just looked at him, and saw all of my future in his eyes.

O tragic suffering, to think that I too felt the same about you. You had eyes that sparkled like gems and stars, they told me: stay with me and you will be safe forever, and you will drink full from the cup of life. It was the twinkle of an everlasting life.  What a gift, what a gift you gave me.

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