
When is an injury irredeemable?

Amaury said something that struck me at the time as being very profound indeed. He was explaining the first principal of statistics which he described in this manner: “It is one of the fundamental laws of statistics that when something happens, the effect will be greatest on the things closest to it.” How true that is! So the boundless effects of love and joy reverberate and enthral the ones we love, and so, alas, eventually our own shortcomings, sadnesses, depressions and personal crises, will shake the ones we are closest to, like villages around a volcano. The same feeling is also contained within the old maxim: “We always end up hurting the ones that we are closest to the most”. Can’t we avoid this travesty? How could love ever triumph if this is true?

The only way that I can make this sacrifice justifiable is to create with more determination and more success, than I have ever done before.

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